Wednesday, 2 November 2011


Gardens will be our theme for the next Moffat Book Event on Sat May 26 and Sun May 27 2012. We may also have a social fundraising evening in Feb - date to be decided. Carolyn Yates our literary development officer for Dumfries and Galloway chaired our meeting at the Moffat and District Commuity Initiative (MDCI) office yesterday afternoon. We are extremely grateful to be holding this next event in association with Craigieburn, the world class garden on our doorstep, prop. Janet Wheatcroft, chatelaine and gardener (with sherpa Dawa). Through their long associations with that country, Janet and her husband Andrew (historian and former professor of publishing at the university of Stirling) may also enable us to explore links with Chinese publishers and authors. Angus Sinclair's Moffalump will also make a guest appearance, from behind a bush or in a shrubbery. At the meeting we divided ourselves into working groups for greater efficiency, to improve our publicity and marketing, recruit sponsors eg for banners and develop a programme. Next meeting: 2pm on Wed Nov 30 at the MDCI office.
At Carolyn's instigation I am exploring a university Creative Writing 'krysha' (Russian for protection- literally a 'roof') under which to shelter in order to complete a couple of book projects long in the gestation. She has also put me in touch with a young graphic artist locally who will help me self-publish my blog as a little annual.

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